Professional Inspector

Texas Law Module - Course # 39927 (PI001)

This course satisfies the requirements for the completion of the Texas Law Module (Course #39927).
  • Video - Introduction
  • BBC Manual - Introduction (Texas Law Module - Course # 39927)
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 - 1102 General
  • Video 1a
  • Video 1b
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 - 1102 Licensing
  • Video 2
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 - Licensing Summary
  • Video 3
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 - 535 General
  • Video 4
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 - 535 Licensing
  • Video 5
  • Chapters 1-5 Quiz
  • BBC Manual 6 - TREC SOP (General)
  • Video 6-1
  • Video 6-2
  • Video 6-3
  • Chapter 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 7 - TREC SOP (Structural)
  • Video 7
  • Chapter 7 - Quiz (Structure SOP)
  • BBC Manual Chapter 8 - TREC SOP (Electrical)
  • Video 8
  • Chapter 8 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 9 - TREC SOP (HVAC)
  • Video 9
  • Chapter 9 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 10 - TREC SOP (Plumbing)
  • Video 10
  • Chapter 10 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 11 - TREC SOP (Appliances)
  • Video 11
  • BBC Manual Chapter 12 - TREC SOP (Optional Items)
  • Video 12
  • BBC Manual Chapter 13 - TREC Legal & Ethics
  • Video 13
  • Exercise Protocol
  • Chapter 7 - Exercise - TREC SOP - Structural
  • Chapter 8 - Exercise TREC SOP - Electrical
  • Chapter 10 - Exercise -TREC SOP - Plumbing
  • Texas Law Module - Course #39927 - Survey
  • Texas Law Module #39927 - Final Exam
  • Certificate Request
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever