Professional Inspector

Property and Building Inspection Module II - Course #39926 (PI003)

This course satisfies the requirements for the Property and Building Inspection Module II - Course #39926.
  • Video -Introduction
  • Introduction - Property Inspection Module I - Course #39926
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 1 - Electrical Systems (Miscellaneous)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 11-15
  • Video 1-1
  • Chapter 1 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 2 - Electrical Systems (Panels)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 15-21
  • Video 1-2
  • Video 1-2a
  • Interplay ELEC 102 - 1.1
  • InterPlay ELEC 102 - 1.2
  • InterPlay ELEC 102 - 1.3
  • InterPlay ELEC 102 - 2.1
  • InterPlay ELEC 201 - 2.4
  • InterPlay ELEC 102 - 2.7
  • InterPlay ELEC 125 - 1.1
  • InterPlay ELEC 125 - 1.2
  • Chapter 1 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 3 - Electrical Systems (Basics and Wiring)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 9-13 & 21-26
  • Video 1-3
  • InterPlay ELEC 121 - 3
  • Chapter 1 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 4 Part 1 - Electrical Systems (Branch Circuits)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 26-29
  • Video 1-4-1
  • Chapter 1 Section 4 Part 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 4 Part 2 - Electrical Systems (Branch Circuits)
  • Video 1-4-2
  • InterPlay ELEC 102 - 2.6
  • Chapter 1 Section 4 Part 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 5 - Electrical Systems (Lighting)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 29-30
  • Video 1-5
  • Chapter 1 Section 5 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 6 - Electrical Systems (Solar & Generators)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 32-35
  • Video 1-6
  • InterPlay ELEC 204 - 1
  • InterPlay ELEC 204 - 2
  • InterPlay SOL 101 - 1
  • InterPlay SOL 101 - 2
  • Chapter 1 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 1 - Cooling Systems (Components)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 36-39
  • Video 2-1-1
  • InterPlay HVAC 051 - 1
  • InterPlay HVAC 051 - 2.2
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 2 - Cooling Systems (Components)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 39 & 45-46
  • Video 2-1-2
  • InterPlay HVAC 052 - 1
  • InterPlay HVAC 052 - 3
  • InterPlay HVAC 109 - 1.1
  • InterPlay HVAC 109 - 1.3
  • InterPlay HVAC 109 - 3.1
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 3 - Cooling Systems (Components)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Page 46
  • Video 2-1-3
  • InterPlay HVAC 110 - 1
  • InterPlay HVAC 110 - 2
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 2 - Cooling Systems (Refrigeration Cycle)
  • Video 2-2
  • Chapter 2 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 3 - Cooling Systems (HVAC Testing)
  • Video 2-3
  • Chapter 2 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 4 - Cooling Systems (A/C Inspection)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 39-41 & 42-45
  • Video 2-4
  • Video 2-4a
  • Video 2-4b
  • Video 2-4c
  • Chapter 2 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 5 - Cooling Systems (Package/Window Systems)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 41-42
  • Video 2-5
  • InterPlay HVAC 051 - 2.3
  • InterPlay HVAC 051 - 2.5
  • Chapter 2 Section 5 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 6 - Cooling Systems (Duct Types)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 47-48
  • Video 2-6
  • InterPlay HVAC 114 - 3
  • InterPlay HVAC 114 - 4
  • InterPlay HVAC 114 - 5
  • Chapter 2 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 1 Part 1 - Heating Systems (Types)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 55-64 & 67-70
  • Video 3-1-1
  • InterPlay HVAC 052 - 2
  • Chapter 3 Section 1 Part 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 1 Part 2 - Heating Systems (Types)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 70-80
  • Video 3-1-2
  • InterPlay HVAC 051 - 2.4
  • InterPlay PLMB 128 - 1
  • InterPlay PLMB 128 - 2
  • Chapter 3 Section 1 Part 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 2 - Heating Systems (HVAC Load Calculations)
  • Video 3-2
  • InterPlay HVAC 119 - 1
  • InterPlay HVAC 119 - 3.1
  • Chapter 3 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 3 - Heating Systems (Flues/Drafts)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 64-67
  • Video 3-3
  • Chapter 3 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 4 - Heating Systems (HVAC Testing)
  • Video 3-4
  • Chapter 3 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 5 - Heating Systems (Inspection)
  • Video 3-5
  • InterPlay HVAC 260 - 2
  • InterPlay HVAC 268 - 1.4
  • InterPlay HVAC 268 - 1.5
  • Chapter 3 Section 5 - Quiz
  • Chapter 3 Section 5 - Quiz 2
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 6 - Heating Systems (Duct Inspection)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 48-51
  • Video 3-6
  • Chapter 3 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 1 - Attic Insulation/Moisture (Attic Insulation)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Page 85
  • Video 4-1
  • Chapter 4 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 2 - Insulation/Moisture (Insulation)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 80 & 82-84
  • Video 4-2
  • Chapter 4 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 3 - Insulation/Moisture (Insulation)
  • Video 4-3
  • Chapter 4 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 4 Part 1 - Insulation/Moisture (Moisture)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 81-82
  • Video 4-4-1
  • Video 4-4-1a
  • Video 4-4-1b
  • Chapter 4 Section 4 Part 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 4 Part 2 - Insulation/Moisture (Moisture)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 30-32
  • Video 4-4-2
  • Video 4-4-2a
  • Video 4-4-2b
  • Video 4-4-2c
  • Chapter 4 Section 4 Part 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 1 - Insulation Moisture (Building Science)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 78-79
  • Video 4-5-1
  • Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 2 - Insulation/Moisture (Building Science)
  • Video 4-5-2
  • Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 3 - Insulation/Moisture (Building Science)
  • Video 4-5-3
  • Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 4 - Insulation/Moisture (Building Science)
  • Video 4-5-4
  • Chapter 4 Section 5 Part 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 6 - Insulation/Moisture (Attic Venting)
  • NHIE structural Manual - Pages 90-93
  • Video 4-6
  • Chapter 4 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 1 - Plumbing Systems (Piper & Meters)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 84-90, 95-96, & 116-118
  • Video 5-1
  • Video 5-1a
  • Video 5-1b
  • InterPlay PLMB 100 - 1
  • InterPlay PLMB 100 - 2
  • Chapter 5 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 2 - Plumbing Systems (Fixtures)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 90-91, 93-94, & 109-110
  • Video 5-2
  • Video 5-2a
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 1.1
  • InterPlayPLMB 103 - 1.2
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 1.3
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 1.4
  • Chapter 5 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 3 - Plumbing Systems (Fixtures)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 91-93 & 94-95
  • Video 5-3
  • Video 5-3a
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 2.1
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 2.3
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 3.1
  • InterPlay PLMB 103 - 3.2
  • Chapter 5 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 4 - Plumbing Systems (Washer & Dryer)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Page 95
  • Video 5-4
  • Chapter 5 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 5 - Plumbing Systems (Hot Water Circulation)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Page 97
  • Video 5-5
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 2.6
  • Chapter 5 Section 5 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 6 - Plumbing Systems (Water Heaters)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 99-102
  • Video 5-6
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 1.1
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 1.2
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 1.3
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 1.4
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 1.5
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 2.1
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 2.2
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 2.3
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 2.8
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 2.9
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 3.1
  • InterPlay PLMB 108 - 3.2
  • Chapter 5 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 7 - Plumbing Systems (Water Heater Inspection)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 102-105
  • Video 5-7
  • Video 5-7a
  • Chapter 5 Section 7 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 8 - Plumbing Systems (Septic & Fuel Storage)
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 112-115 & 118-120
  • Video 5-8
  • Chapter 5 Section 8 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 9 - Plumbing Systems (Vents & Drains)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 88-89
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 105-112
  • Video 5-9
  • Video 5-9a
  • InterPlay PLMB 100 - 3
  • Chapter 5 Section 9 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 6 Section 1 - Mechanical Exhaust (Ventilation)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 86-88
  • Video 6-1
  • Chapter 6 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 6 Section 2 - Mechanical Exhaust (Ventilation)
  • Video 6-2
  • BBC Manual Chapter 6 Section 3 - Mechanical Exhaust (Heat Transmission)
  • BBC Manual Chapter 6 Section 4 - Mechanical Exhaust (HVAC Replacement)
  • Chapter 6 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 7 Section 1 - Optional Items
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Page 15
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 12-15, 106, & 98-99
  • Video 7-1
  • Chapter 7 - Private Well Video 7-2
  • Chapter 7 - Private Well Video 7-2-1
  • Chapter 7 - Private Well Video 7-2-2
  • Chapter 7 Section 1 Septic - Quiz
  • Chapter 7 Section 1a Sprinkler - Quiz
  • Chapter 7 Section 1b Pool - Quiz
  • Chapter 7 Section 1c Well - Quiz
  • Chapter 7 Section 1d Outbuilding - Quiz
  • Exercise Protocol
  • Chapter 1 Section 1 Exercise - Electrical Issue
  • Chapter 1 Section 2 Exercise - Panel
  • Chapter 1 Section 3 Exercise - Electrical Wiring
  • Chapter 1 Section 4 - Part 1 Exercise - Branch Wiring Receptacle
  • Chapter 1 Section 4 - Part 2 Exercise - GFCI
  • Chapter 1 Section 5 Exercise - Lighting
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 1 Exercise - A/C Ident
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 2 Exercise - A/C Coil
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Part 3 Exercise - Heat pump
  • Chapter 2 Section 3 Exercise - A/C Temperature
  • Chapter 2 Section 4 Exercise - Condensate Line
  • Chapter 2 Section 6 Exercise - Duct Ident
  • Chapter 3 Section 1 Part 2 Exercise - Heating System Type
  • Chapter 3 Section 3 Exercise - Flue
  • Chapter 3 Section 5 Exercise - Gas Furnace
  • Chapter 3 Section 6 Exercise - Duct Issue
  • Chapter 4 Section 3 Exercise - Attic Insulation
  • Chapter 4 Section 3 Exercise - Insulation
  • Chapter 4 Section 4 Part 1 Exercise - Moisture
  • Chapter 4 Section 4 Part 2 Exercise - Smoke Detector
  • Chapter 4 Section 6 Exercise - Attic Ventilation
  • Chapter 5 Section 1 Exercise - Water Pipe
  • Chapter 5 Section 2 Exercise - Sink Trap
  • Chapter 5 Section 3 Exercise - Bath Ventilation
  • Chapter 5 Section 6 Exercise - Water Heater Type
  • Chapter 5 Section 7 Exercise - Water Heater Issue
  • Chapter 5 Section 9 Exercise - Drier vent
  • Chapter 6 Section 1 Exercise - Mech Ventilation
  • Chapter 7 Section 1 Exercise - Optional Item
  • Course Evaluation #39926
  • Property Inspection Module II #39926 - Final Exam
  • Certificate Request
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever