Professional Inspector

Property and Building Inspection Module I - Course #39925 (PI002)

This course satisfies the requirements for the Property and Building Inspection Module I - Course #39925.
  • Video - InterPlay User Instructions
  • Interplay Signup and User Instructions
  • Video - Module Introduction
  • Introduction - Module Introduction
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 1 - Site Conditions (Grading & Drainage)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 10-12 & 47-48
  • Video 1-1
  • Video 1-1a
  • Chapter 1 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 2 - Site Conditions (Retaining Walls)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 9-10
  • Video 1-2
  • Chapter 1 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 3 - Site Conditions (Vegetation)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 12-13
  • Video 1-3
  • Chapter 1 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 4 - Site Conditions (Hardscape)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 13-15
  • Video 1-4
  • Chapter 1 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 5 - Site Conditions (Decks)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 30-34
  • Video 1-5
  • Video 1-5a
  • Video 1-5b
  • Chapter 1 Section 5 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 1 Section 6 - Site Conditions (Platforms)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 28-30
  • Video 1-6
  • Chapter 1 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 1 - Exterior Components (Exterior Coverings))
  • NHIE Structure Manual - Pages 16-23 & 84
  • Video 2-1a
  • Video 2-1b
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 2 - Exterior Components (Windows)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Page 85
  • Video 2-2
  • Chapter 2 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 3 - Exterior Components (Windows)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 25-28
  • Video 2-3
  • Chapter 2 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 2 Section 4 - Exterior Components (Doors)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 24-25 & 98-99
  • Video 2-4
  • Chapter 2 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 1 - Roof Components (Roofs & Floors)
  • Video 3-1
  • Chapter 3 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 3 Section 2 - Roof Components (Roof Coverings)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 60-64, 72-77, & 38-50
  • Video 3-2
  • Chapter 3 Section 2 -Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 1 - Structural Components (Slab)
  • Video 4-1
  • Chapter 4 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 2 - Structural Components (Slab Inspection)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 58-60
  • Video 4-2
  • Video 4-2a
  • Chapter 4 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 3 - Structural Components (Basement)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 51-58 & 94-95
  • Video 4-3
  • Chapter 4 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 4 - Structural Components (Crawlspace)
  • Video 4-4
  • Chapter 4 Section 4 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 5 - Structural Components (Crawlspace Inspection)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 58 & 93-94
  • Video 4-5
  • Chapter 4 Section 5 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 6 - Structural Components (Floor Structure)
  • Video 4-6
  • Video 4-6a
  • Chapter 4 Section 6 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 7 - Structural Components (Vertical Walls)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 64-72
  • Video 4-7
  • InterPlay CNST 105 - 1
  • InterPlay CNST 105 - 3
  • Chapter 4 Section 7 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 8 - Structural Components (Walls/Floors)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 96-98
  • Video 4-8
  • Chapter 4 Section 8 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 9 - Structural Components (Roof/Ceiling)
  • Video 4-9
  • Chapter 4 Section 9 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 4 Section 10 - Structural Components (Texas SOP)
  • Video 4-10
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 1 - Interior Components (Walls/Ceilings)
  • Video 5-1
  • Chapter 5 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 2 - Interior Components (Stairs)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 102-105
  • Video 5-2
  • Chapter 5 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 3 - Interior Components (Garage Door)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 34-36
  • Video 5-3
  • 5-3a Garage Video
  • Chapter 5 Section 3 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 4 - Interior Components (Countertops/Cabinets)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 105-106
  • Video 5-4
  • BBC Manual Chapter 5 Section 5 - Interior Components (Smart Home)
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 106-107
  • Video 5-5
  • BBC Manual Chapter 6 Section 1 - Kitchen Appliances
  • NHIE Structural Manual - Pages 89-90
  • NHIE Mechanical Manual - Pages 132-137
  • Video 6-1
  • Video 6-1a
  • InterPlay APPL 104 - 1.1
  • InterPlay APPL 104 - 2
  • InterPlay APPL 101 - 1.1
  • InterPlay APPL 101 - 1.2
  • InterPlay APPL 101 - 2
  • InterPlay APPL 101 - 3.1
  • InterPlay APPL 101 - 3.2
  • InterPlay APPL 101 - 3.3
  • InterPlay APPL 103 - 1.1
  • InterPlay APPL 103 - 1.2
  • InterPlay APPL 103 - 1.3
  • InterPlay APPL 103 - 2.1
  • InterPlay APPL 105 - 1
  • InterPlay APPL 105 - 2
  • InterPlay APPL 105 - 3
  • InterPlay APPL 201 - 1.1
  • Chapter 6 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 6 Section 2 - Appliances
  • Video 6-2
  • Chapter 6 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 7 Section 1 - Fireplaces/Chimneys
  • Video 7-1
  • Chapter 7 Section 1 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 7 Section 2 - Fireplaces/Chimneys
  • Video 7-2
  • Chapter 7 Section 2 - Quiz
  • BBC Manual Chapter 7 Section 3 - Fireplaces/Chimneys
  • Video 7-3
  • Chapter 7 Section 3 - Quiz
  • Exercise Protocol
  • Chapter 1 Section 1 Exercise - Grading
  • Chapter 1 Section 3 Exercise - Vegetation
  • Chapter 1 Section 5 Exercise - Deck
  • Chapter 1 Section 6 Exercise - Platforms
  • Chapter 2 Section 1 Exercise - Exterior Wall
  • Chapter 2 Section 3 Exercise - Window
  • Chapter 2 Section 4 Exercise - Door
  • Chapter 3 Section 2 Exercise - Roof Coverings
  • Chapter 3 Section 2 Exercise - Roof Drainage
  • Chapter 3 Section 2 Exercise - Roof Flashing
  • Chapter 3 Section 2 Exercise - Roof Penetrations
  • Chapter 4 Section 2 Exercise - Slab
  • Chapter 4 Section 5 Exercise - Crawlspace
  • Chapter 4 Section 6 Exercise - Attic Issue
  • Chapter 4 Section 9 Exercise - Roof Structure
  • Chapter 5 Section 1 Exercise - Walls/Ceilings
  • Chapter 5 Section 2 Exercise - Stairs
  • Chapter 5 Section 3 Exercise - Garage Door
  • Chapter 5 Section 4 Exercise - C&C
  • Chapter 6 Section 1 Exercise - Kitchen Appliance
  • Chapter 6 Section 2 Exercise - Appliance
  • Chapter 7 Section 1 Exercise - Fireplace/Chimney
  • Course Evaluation #39925
  • Property Inspection Module I # 39925 - Final Exam
  • Certificate Request
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever